FintechAwards - Running Alpha
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FinTech Finalist, Running Alpha Launching DarkSight Technology for Capital Market Trend Intelligence

by efrem on Thursday May 5, 2016 at 7:56 pm EST | Tags: , , , ,

Benzinga FinTech Finalist, Running Alpha, is launching Capital Market Trends next week, a premium alpha idea discovery platform for showcasing highly scalable and actionable investment and trading opportunities —

Powered by a unique and proprietary Sentiment-Aware mathematical physics framework that has a multi-decade history of extracting trading opportunities at the forefront of tomorrow’s most impactful and influential price trends and volatility events —

events that have over 95% expectation of sustaining bullish or bearish price persistence over multi-time-line intervals.

Running Alpha employs its proprietary DarkSight Technology to reveal the minimum length of the risk-on and risk-off opportunity intervals. So unlike even today’s most advanced sentiment intelligence solution providers, Running Alpha goes beyond pigeon-holing opportunities into fixed holding period or time frames.

Markets are dynamic, and just because a statistical backtest showed that a specific time frame had a more favorable performance curve, does not mean that the groups of highly interacting decision-makers and their forward-looking versions, that are relevant to market dynamics today and tomorrow respectively, are the same ones that history has favored.

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