Future-Sourcing Perceptions of Tomorrow’s Versions of Today’s Global Decision-Making Influencers
by raadmin on Wednesday May 6, 2015 at 6:21 pm EST | Tags: crowd sourcing, decision-making, perception, uncertainty, wall of worry

With over 18 years of experience in leveraging Big-Data assets and Advanced Predictive Analytics technology for opening new avenues of value creation, CEO and Founder of Running Alpha Investments Inc. is launching this intelligence out of the lab and into your decision-room this May 8th, 2015 with RunningAlpha.com.
Originally developed in the late 1990s as a U.S. patented earth-sciences application ( Patent Numbers: 6,278,799 and 6,035,057 ) for shortening the lead time alert of Impending Aviation Wind Hazards and Extreme Tornado Vortex-Producing Thunderstorms, I have since scaled up research operations and developed traction on Bay Street over the past four years; utilizing parameters generated by this technology, in combination with new insights from crowd-physics, quantum gauge geometry and war-gaming strategies for seeing beyond the borders of the past.
Breaking free of simply shaping our decisions on the basis of Crowd Intelligence, Running Alpha offers the world’s first Alpha-Idea Heat Grid — powered by a proprietary predictive intelligence engine that can read and precast, with high accuracy and consistency, the underlying perceptions of influential decision-makers before their future versions of reality observe pivotal changes in market momentum and sentiment bias;
thereby telegraphing how and when the greater market demographics will be evolving their interpretation of market information patterns, and subsequently voicing their market views and amplifying their emotional expression through the marketplace.
To democratize this technology across a broader audience, and render visibility of market events ahead of the crowd without being noticed, Running Alpha is now launching the first in a series of unique on-line insight platforms at RunningAlpha.com; taking the financial market industry a giant leap closer at leveling the playing field between institutional market makers and retail investors.
This opens up new ground for financial and economic decision-making, which can help the everyday investor and trader, as well as the fortune 500 manager and brand evangelist at better targeting their investment dollars and digital media advertising messages toward the corners of the market and global consumer & corporate audience that show the highest potential for being favorably predisposed to receiving and taking action on such information;
thereby igniting and perpetuating social branding and financial market money-flow trends; and particularly so, when their future versions’ of decision-making actors are aligned for paying close attention to capital allocations into those arenas of interest.
In plain English, Running Alpha is essentially ‘Future-Sourcing’ the Consumer and Investor Perceptions’ and Preferences of Tomorrow’s Versions of Today’s Global Decision-Making Audience.
For Further details, you are welcome to review some of our recent article posts on my LinkedIn page or by linking directly to: Is Your Investment Strategy Smarter Than Mother Nature; and Start Mapping Out the 2015 Sentiment Jet Stream.
This underlying theme forms the basis of Running Alpha’s first on-line service launch, engineered for bringing you a new category and seamless experience of alpha investment exploration, upon which the RunningAlpha.com brand was founded.
At the center of the platform is a forward-looking Sentiment-Aware and Perception-Inspired Heat Map — illuminating turnaround and liquid situation growth opportunities in wide-ranging markets, with a targeted focus on:
emerging info-tech, social media, mobile gaming, and cloud technology; bio-tech, high-finance, food retailing, and real-estate industries in the USA, as well as corporate equities that are predisposed to respond most favorably to positive news events; and
shock-buffering you against the knock-off effects from adverse and unexpected economic and corporate announcements with Nassim-grade anti-fragility protection against tail-risk activity.
The mission is to be the go-to destination for:
Where Decision-Makers Go for Converting Market Uncertainty into Opportunity.
To execute on this mission, Running Alpha is dedicated to providing global investors and business executives with the most time relevant and actionable sentiment insights for cutting through the fog of uncertainty surrounding how the market will be interpreting news events — making sure you are never left in the dark again about when bad news will be “climbing a wall of worry” and when good news will be “descending a slope of hope.”
With significant traction form select boutique investment research think-tanks, fund managers, and retail investors in Canada, Running Alpha is looking at expanding its brand presence into the U.S. and international markets, with particular interest in adding its alpha-insight platform as a front-office research tool for generating alpha ideas and navigating around extreme risks.
Running Alpha is actively reviewing partnerships with Digital Media Advertising Agencies, Fund Managers, and Institutional Research and Retail Investor Brokerage Providers.
Current industry feedback shows that this new way of approaching human understanding can play not only a vital role in wealth management and Capital Protection Strategies, but also in helping shape unknown brands at better targeting their digital media advertising messages and budgets toward the corners of the global consumer and corporate decision-making audience that will be most receptive to taking action.
Start Investing in a Smarter Future (TM) with Running Alpha.
Early Registration is Now Open at RunningAlpha.com, where you can leave your basic contact details; and
Stay Tuned to our Global Launch on 04. 15. 15