You are Invited to a Live Interactive Fintech Media “Shindig”
by raadmin on Monday May 16, 2016 at 1:35 pm EST |

Mark Your Calendar: May 18th, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM ( EDT ) 2016
Join Benzinga FinTech Awards Nominee and Finalist, Running Alpha’s CEO and Founder Efrem Hoffman, as he Takes you on a: Virtual Walk into the Future of Global Investing Innovation with an Unusually Predictive and Prescriptive Digital Wealth-Building Advantage —
Efrem will: Explore Today’s Most Relevant Emerging Financial Market Trends; and Show You How You can Start Sharpening Your Edge for Profiting More Efficiently From Disruptive Change in Our Volatile Planet. With Insights and Foresights Powered by Proprietary DarkSite (TM ) Analytics Technology ( built in-house ), You will be be Given a Sneak Preview into a Bleeding-Edge Idea Discovery Platform that is: Re-Inventing the Next Machine Age of Self-Generative Smart Data Analytics Solutions — for: Systematically and Consistently Extracting Scalable Alpha Opportunities, while at the same time Defending Against Unknown Global Threats during episodes of Peak Uncertainty;
Augmenting the Intelligence of Financial Decision-Making Strategies for Enhancing Information Discovery, Profitability and Extending the Shelf-Life, Actionability, and Investment Capacity of Alpha Ideas; Helping not only High-Performing Investment Analysts and Professional Traders, but also the Everyday Investor Cast Light on Dark Information — Data that is not within visible reach of prevailing advances in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis tools;
Engineered for helping you Discover Actionable Alpha Ideas that are: Organically Hedged-For-Profit ( and Not A Cost ) Inside the World’s Thinnest Risk Windows;
Designed for:
Avoiding Value Traps and Bringing Transparency Back to Investing.
How? By identifying which investment opportunities in Equity, Commodity and Currency Markets are at the forefront of capturing the greatest attention (MindShare) of Tomorrow’s versions of Today’s Global Decision-Maker Audience, and its most influential market shakers.
What makes the approach fresh is that Running Alpha is anonymously rendering visibility into the underlying structure driving human and machine perceptions;
information hiding in the dark, buried deep within the higher dimensional relationships that define the trend measurement uncertainty and behavioral biases generated by conventional market analysis tools and research frameworks — adopted by a broad spectrum of market players.
The capacity for Running Alpha to disrupt the way investors can extract and unlock hidden value in capital market data has been getting a fair amount of media attention recently.
On March 18th, 2016, Running Alpha, Benzinga FinTech Awards nominee, was shortlisted as a finalist among a leading group of companies in Benzinga’s Best in Class Finding Alpha category. Running Alpha is also under consideration for Most Promising Startup, Most Disruptive platform, and Founder of the Year. The BZ Fintech Awards were established to seek out and recognize the most innovative companies that are re-defining the way wealth is created within the capital markets industry.
Leveraging the power of financial uncertainty and big-data predictive analytics for stretching the limits human perception and machine intelligence, Running Alpha is introducing A new class of Heat Mapping technology ( The Alpha Idea Grid™ ), for anonymously tapping into your competitor’s order-flow and observing sentiment biases ahead of social-media and option-maker channels; and rendering visibility of time-relevant Dark Information sources — living self-generative fields ( as opposed to historical or statistically extrapolated/interpolated trends ) of data that can only be seen by extracting alpha from our proprietary insights into the subtle non-linear feedback, reflexivity, and chain-interactions among the Investor Perception MindShare — for Timing Risk-On/Risk-Off Windows of Opportunity and Anti-Fragile Market Regimes; designed for elevating your game from simply seeing how today’s global decision-making audience reacts to past outcomes and feels about tomorrow, to putting boundaries around future events and actionable ideas that can make you money, save you valuable time, and protect you from unknown market threats and predictable surprises ( Dragon-Kings ) — often mistaken for Black-Swan Events.
By letting our analytics gather intel on market-player perception biases underlying global volatility and capital migration patterns, investors can now home in on and get an instant read on emerging equity and special-situation macro trends with high definition; long before these perceptions are actualized as price transactions, and even before these biases are reflected in real-time sentiment data, or entered in the order-book for trade consideration.